
At the Edge, we offer the same dental hygiene services you would receive in a traditional dental setting. We believe a dental cleaning is not a “one size fits all”- our hygienists will assess and treat you based on YOUR WANTS AND NEEDS. The care and health of you and your family is our number one priority.

DENTAL HYGIENE EXAMINATIONS: Are always complementary and are performed prior to your cleaning. We will assess the hard and soft tissues of your mouth, informing you of our findings.

ORAL CANCER SCREENINGS: We perform oral cancer screenings at EVERY visit. The Velscope is used to detect abnormalities and will refer to specialists as needed.

DIGITAL XRAYS: Our X-rays have over 80% less radiation than traditional X-rays and can be easily emailed to other dental professionals when necessary. X-rays are important to our practice as they do not just detect cavities, they assist us in evaluating deposits and bone loss (Periodontal Disease) around the teeth. They are offered to our patients on an “as needed” basis.

SCALING AND ROOT PLANING: Removal of hard and soft deposits both above and below the gum line. We use ultrasonic and hand instrumentation to achieve the best results for our patients.

EXPANDED DUTIES: The Hygienists at the Edge have completed additional training and are registered to prescribe Prescriptive Medications, Nitrous Oxide sedation, Local Anesthetic (“freezing”) and Laser Gum Therapy.

Prescriptions: Premedication Antibiotics, Antibiotics for acute and chronic infections, Anti Virals and Anti Fungals

Nitrous Oxide: This is a great sedation option for those nervous patients. Nitrous Oxide allows you to relax during your appointment but drive yourself home afterwards.

Laser Gum Therapy: Our Picasso Soft Tissue Laser is an adjunctive tool used to help decontaminate the gum tissue (LBR) and remove diseased tissue from the deeper pockets (LAPT). 

The Diode Laser is also used to treat cold sores around the mouth. When treated early, it reduces discomfort, speeds healing and helps to prevent reoccurrence.

Silver Diamine Therapy: Approved in Canada since 2017 Silver Diamine Fluoride is used to treat/prevent cavities and to desensitize. We have had great success with this treatment in both children and adults. It arrests the decay until the time is right for you to proceed with dental restorative work.

SPORTSGUARDS: Proform mouthguard are custom fitted to protect the sports enthusiast in your family.

The Edge offers In-Office and Take-Home options to give you that beautiful white smile. We will assess your individual whitening needs and design a customized system for you. 

Our systems include:

In-Office POLA+ : The world’s fastest bleach, Pole Office+ uses 37.5% hydrogen peroxide in a convenient one-office visit session. It has a neutral pH to protect against sensitivity and help you achieve that whiter smile you’ve always wanted!
Cost: $349-399

Take Home Custom Trays: Trays are made to allow you to whiten your teeth at home with Pola Daywhite, gradually. This affordable option is great for those patients that are worried about sensitivity or unsure how white they want to go.
Cost: $125-199

Which to choose? Together we can assess your needs and determine which system (or a combination of both) would work best for you.

The Edge also offers a “White for Life” program; a free whitening syringe at your hygiene visit.
Ask about it today!